Divisional Research Report, April 1963
Divisional Research Report, October 1963
Divisional Research Report, March 1964
Divisional Research Report, September 1964
Divisional Research Report, March 1965
Divisional Research Report, July 1965
Divisional Research Report, June 1966
Divisional Research Report, February 1967
Divisional Research Report, September 1967
Further studies of Pinus radiata nutrition and growth in the Heywood District. F. G. Craig. March 1971. 5 pp. (Summary)
Multi-resource forest development in Victoria – a review of research needs. J. G. Edgar and W. G. Schmidt. April 1971. 55 pp. (Summary)
The nutrient status of 1-0 P. radiata seedlings in the Benalla, Koetong and Rennick nurseries. F. G. Craig. May 1971. 9 pp. (Summary)
Preliminary studies in financial regimes; pulpwood production from Eucalyptus regnans. J. E. Opie. April 1971. 13 pp. (Summary)
Biology, epidemiology and control of a species of Lichenaula Meyrick (Lepidoptera : Xyloryctidae) in radiata pine. F. G Neumann. May 1971. 21 pp. (Summary)
Die-back in the mixed hardwood forests of eastern Victoria – a preliminary report. G. C. Marks, F. Y. Kassaby and S. T. Reynolds. August 1971. 27 pp. (Summary)
Effect of log size and defect on log value; report on Otways Defect Study, 1971. I. S. Thompson. October 1971. 16 pp. (Summary)
STANDSIM – a general model for simulating the growth of evenaged stands. J. E. Opie. November 1971. 31 pp. (Summary)
Studies of Pinus radiata seedling development in the Benalla Nursery in relation to soil physical properties, irrigation and fertilization. G. Minko. December 1971. 19 pp. (Summary)
The Phasmatid control operation in the Central Highlands of Victoria I. History, biology and control methods. F. G. Neumann and J. E. Harris. January 1972. 23 pp. (Summary)
The Phasmatid control operation in the Central Highlands of Victoria II. Malathion as a chemical for control, and alternative insecticides. F. G. Neumann and J. E. Harris. January 1972. 26 pp. (Summary)
The Phasmatid control operation in the Central Highlands of Victoria III. The effects of malathion insecticide on the environment. F. G. Neumann and J. E. Harris. February 1972. 20 pp. (Summary)
Preliminary outturn studies in E. regnans. J. E. Opie. January 1972. 7 pp. (Summary)
Oviposition and egg studies on the spur-legged phasmatid Didymuria violescens (Leach) (Phasmatodea : Phasmatidae) from mountain ash forests in the Victorian Central Highlands. F. G. Neumann. February 1972. 29 pp. (Summary)
Nutrient status and soil properties in areas of the Benalla, Koetong, Rennick and Trentham nurseries producing 1-0 P. radiata seedlings in 1971. F. G. Craig and P. Hopmans. March 1972. 21 pp. (Summary)
Top-pruning in the Korweinguboora Pinus radiata seed orchard. L. A. Pederick. March 1972. 9 pp. (Summary)
An economic evaluation of superphosphate for established stands of Pinus radiata at Scarsdale. L. J. Bren and F. G. Craig. April 1972. 17 pp. (Summary)
Seed production from the Korweinguboora seed orchard. L. A. Pederick. April 1972. 22 pp. (Summary)
Detection, isolation and identification of Phytophthora cinnamomi in eucalypt forest soils. G. C. Marks and F. Y. Kassaby. April 1972. 10 pp. (Summary)
Critical review of the efficacy of the Forests Commission’s anti-phasmatid operation during summer 1971 in mountain ash forests of the Victorian Central Highlands. J. A. Harris and F. G. Neumann. May 1972. 22 pp. (Summary)
A study of the flora and fauna of Pinus radiata plantations at Myrtleford. I. First progress report. G. C. Suckling, A. Heislers and F. G. Neumann. June 1972. 48 pp. (Summary)
The instars and their comparative destructiveness of the spur-legged phasmatid Didymuria violescens (Leach) (Phasmatodea : Phasmatidae) from ash-type forests of the Victorian Central Highlands. F. G. Neumann. August 1972. 41 pp. (Summary)
Genotype-environment interactions calculated for height growth of young radiata pine families at three locations. L. A. Pederick. October 1972. 11 pp. (Summary)
The effect of flooding on population density of the gum leaf skeletonizer moth, Uraba lugens Walk., in Barmah State Forest. J. A. Harris. October 1972. 11 pp. (Summary)
Effects of the granular soil fumigant “Basamid” on germination, growth, weed control and nutrition of Pinus radiata seedlings in the Benalla Nursery. F. G. Neumann. November 1972. 15 pp. (Summary)
Dieback tolerance in eucalypt species in relation to fertilisation and soil populations of Phytophthora cinnamomi. G. C. Marks, F. Y. Kassaby and P. C. Fagg. December 1972. 22 pp. (Summary)
A study of establishment techniques for Pinus radiata in the Heywood District. F. G. Craig, L. J. Bren and P. Hopmans. January 1973. 15 pp. (Summary)
Effects of wildfire on overland flow and erosion in the Macalister River watershed. D. F. Williams, L. J. Bren and F. G. Craig. January 1973. 16 pp. (Summary)
Nutrient status and soil properties in areas of the Benalla, Koetong, Rennick and Trentham Nurseries producing 1-0 P. radiata seedlings in 1972. F. G. Craig and P. Hopmans. February 1973. 19 pp.
Ecological studies on the horizontal or black borer Austroplatypus (= Platypus) incompertus (Schedl) (Coleoptera : Platypodidae) in forests of south-eastern Australia. J. A. Harris, K. J. Campbell and G. McK. Wright. February 1973. 22 pp. (Summary)
Pinhole borers in green timber. F. G. Neumann and J. A. Harris. April 1973. 15 pp. (Summary)
Egg production and adult longevity in Didymuria violescens (Leach) (Phasmatodea : Phasmatidae). F. G. Neumann. July 1973. 29 pp. (Summary)
A study of the flora and fauna of radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) plantations at Myrtleford. II. Second progress report. G. Suckling, A. Heislers, F. G. Neumann and E. Backen. February 1973. 128 pp. (Summary)
An evaluation of two low volume spray systems for aerial use. R. J. McKimm. August 1973. 11 pp. (Summary)
Effects of irrigation on Pinus radiata seedling development in the Benalla Nursery. G. Minko. September 1973. 22 pp. (Summary)
A preliminary study of dieback in Eucalyptus pauciflora at Davies Plain Ridge. B. K. Ward and R. J. McKimm. August 1973. 13 pp. (Summary)
The egg stage of Didymuria violescens (Leach) (Phasmatodea : Phasmatidae) inhabiting the Central Highlands of Victoria. F. G. Neumann. October 1973. 58 pp. (Summary)
The effect of Phytophthora cinnamomi on basal area increment of natural stands of Eucalyptus sieberi. W. D. Incoll and P. C. Fagg. October 1973. 11 pp. (Summary)
Interim stumpage values for regrowth ash sawlogs. I. S. Thompson. December 1973. 21 pp. (Summary)
A preliminary study of mammals in E. sieberi forests of the Boola Boola working plan area. G. Suckling. December 1973. 23 pp. (Summary)
Atrazine and Amitrole for the control of vegetation competing with outplants of Pinus radiata at Myrtleford. G. Minko. January 1974. 13 pp. (Summary)
Seed crop forecasting in eucalypt forests using aerial reconnaissance. W. D. Incoll. January 1974. 9 pp. (Summary)
A phosphate fertiliser study with P. radiata at Rennick on soils resembling Richmond Sand. F. G. Craig, L. G. Bren and P. Hopmans. February 1974. 11 pp. (Summary)
Douglas fir provenance trials with I.U.F.R.O. seed-lots. L. A. Pederick. February 1974. 15 pp. (Summary)
Effects of aerial spraying with Malathion on the sub-canopy insect fauna of Eucalyptus regnans forest in the Central Highlands of Victoria. J. A. Harris. February 1974. 13 pp. (Summary)
The growth of trees under intensive culture in northern Victoria. R. J. McKimm. January 1974. 12 pp. (Summary)
MASH – a comprehensive system for planning and scheduling regional wood production. B. F. Gibson, J. E . Opie and I. C. A. Weir. March 1974. 25 pp. (Summary)
Pathogenicity of Phythium spp. and Phytophthora drechsleri to Eucalyptus spp. G. C. Marks and F. Y. Kassaby. April 1974. 9 pp. (Summary)
Melampsora poplar leaf rust in Victoria. G. C. Marks. May 1974. 8 pp. (Summary)
Site preparation by broadcast burning compared with various herbicides for the control of vegetation competing with Pinus radiata outplants at Myrtleford. G. Minko. May 1974. 16 pp. (Summary)
A study of eucalypt species and site preparation methods for reforestation of denuded sites on the Toorongo Plateau. First progress report. R. J. McKimm. May 1974. 10 pp. (Summary)
Genetic variation in Eucalyptus obliqua with special reference to Otway messmate. L. A. Pederick. August 1974. 17 pp. (Summary)
Fertiliser responses in Eucalyptus nitens at Powelltown. L. A. Pederick, F. G. Craig and F. J. May. July 1974. 17 pp. (Summary)
A study of Pinus radiata nutrition at Webster’s Hill, Gellibrand. L.J. Bren, F. G. Craig and P. Hopmans. September 1974. 9 pp. (Summary)
Critical review of the efficiency of anti-phasmatid aerial spraying during summer 1973 in the mountain ash forests of the Victorian Central Highlands. J. A. Harris. September 1974. 15 pp. (Summary)
Effects of root puddling with standard and fertiliser-fortified root slurries on mortality and early growth of Pinus radiata outplants. G. Minko. September 1974. 10 pp. (Summary)
The distribution of Phytophthora cinnamomi in the forests of East Gippsland. G. C. Marks, F. Y. Kassaby and P. C. Fagg. January 1975. 20 pp. (Summary)
A study of the natural regeneration of mixed eucalypts under partial cutting conditions in Wombat Forest. R. O. Squire and J. G. Edgar. February 1975. 25 pp. (Summary)
Aerial application of granulated superphosphate. B. D. Dexter and J. E. Opie. February 1975. 47 pp. (Summary)
Lightning strikes and their distribution in radiata pine plantations at Ovens, North-eastern Victoria. G. Minko. March 1975. 12 pp. (Summary)
Variation in population levels of Phytophthora cinnamomi in Eucalyptus forest soils in eastern Victoria. G. C. Marks, F. Y. Kassaby and P. C. Fagg. April 1975. 31 pp. (Summary)
Girth and height growth patterns in mountain ash. W. D. Incoll and A. W. Webb. May 1975. 8 pp. (Summary)
An examination of harvesting systems. I. Developing a methodology for defining satisfactory harvesting systems. J. E. Opie. May 1975. 11 pp. (Summary)
An examination of harvesting systems. II. Ash-type forests – an exploratory case study. J. E. Opie and I. S. Thompson. May 1975. 22 pp. (Summary)
The response of Eucalyptus obliqua regrowth to release in irregular stands of mixed eucalypts in west-central Victoria. R. O. Squire and J. G. Edgar. June 1975. 22 pp. (Summary)
Swiss needle cast of douglas fir in Victoria: 1. Distribution, rate of spread and effects on tree growth. R. J. McKimm and H. T. L. Stewart. June 1975. 10 pp. (Summary)
Swiss needle cast of Douglas fir in Victoria. II. Variation in the resistance of provenances. L. A. Pederick and G. C. Marks. June 1975. 10 pp. (Summary)
Defoliation of Eucalyptus nitens on the Errinundra Plateau, Orbost District. I. First progress report. F. G. Neumann, F. Y. Kassaby and R. J. McKimm. July 1975. 17 pp. (Summary)
The sorption of 2,4,5-T, by LDPE plastic containers. P. Hopmans. July 1975. 5 pp. (Summary)
Herbicide formulations for the control of mespophytic understorey vegetation. R.J. McKimm and H.T.L. Stewart. July 1975. 10 pp. (Summary)
Genetic variation in the growth rate of seven-year-old Eucalyptus regnans. L. A. Pederick. July 1975. 20 pp. (Summary)
The field performance of chlorotic Pinus radiata seedlings raised in burnt soil and soil subject to waterlogging. G. Minko and P. Hopmans. October 1975. 10 pp. (Summary)
Root development in plantations of radiata pine in relation to site quality, fertilising and soil bulk density. R. O. Squire, G. C. Marks and F. G. Craig. November 1975. 17 pp. (Summary)
Nutrient status and soil properties in areas of the Benalla, Koetong, Rennick and Trentham Nurseries producing 1-0 Pinus radiata seedlings in 1973. P. Hopmans and D. W. Flinn. November 1975. 21 pp. (Summary)
The re-establishment of indigenous vegetation on a mountain ash site at Narbethong following a rotation of radiata pine. W. D. Incoll and A. B. Sumner. December 1975. 22 pp. (Summary)
Coleoptera inhabiting mixed eucalypt forest and radiata pine plantations in North-eastern Victoria. F. G. Neumann. December 1975. 26 pp. (Summary)
Effects of aerially applied malathion insecticide on non-target insect orders in mountain ash forests of the Central Highlands of Victoria. J. A. Harris. June 1976. 15 pp. (Summary)
The nutrition of Douglas fir at Narbethong. D. W. Flinn and P. Hopmans. July 1976. 7 pp. (Summary)
Infection of Eucalyptus obliqua and Eucalyptus globulus ssp. bicostata by Armillaria spp. G. C. Marks, C. A. Almond and J. G. Edgar. July 1976. 7 pp. (Summary)
Interacting effects of grass competition, fertilising and cultivation on the early growth of Pinus radiata D. Don at Koetong. R. O. Squire. August 1976. 9 pp. (Summary)
Pathogenicity of nine species of Phytopthora to Eucalyptus sieberi and E. obliqua. G. C. Marks and F. Y. Kassaby. December 1976. 9 pp. (Summary)
Survival of Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands in, and colonisation by P. cinnamomi and Pythium spp. of, mountain ash forest soil in eastern Victoria. F. Y. Kassaby, P. C. Fagg and G. C. Marks. April 1977. 14 pp. (Summary)
Birds of the Maramingo experimental pulpwood area, East Gippsland. R. H. Loyn. May 1977. 14 pp. (Summary)
An outbreak of the gum-leaf skeletoniser, Uraba lugens Walker, in river red gum forest near Barmah. J. A. Harris, F. G. Neumann and B. Ward. June 1977. 15 pp. (Summary)
Natural variation in shining gum, Eucalyptus nitens. I. Growth rate and foliage characteristics, to age 3 years. L. A. Pederick. June 1977. 51 pp. (Summary)
Fertilising one-year-old, second-rotation Pinus radiata D. Don on steep slopes of the Ovens Plantation. G. Minko. June 1977. 8 pp. (Summary)
Evaluation of soil testing methods for predicting early growth and responses to phosphate fertiliser of Pinus radiata at Heywood. P. Hopmans, D. W. Flinn and B. C. Aeberli. July 1977. 7 pp. (Summary)
Tree decline and mortality in selectively logged eucalypt forest in central Victoria. J. G. Edgar, G. A. Kile and C. A. Almond. August 1977. 21 pp. (Summary)
Phosphate fertilisers for establishment of Pinus radiata on a soil with a high phosphorus sorption capacity. D. W. Flinn, P. Hopmans and L. J. Bren. August 1977. 8 pp. (Summary)
2,4,5-T concentration in Scrubby Creek, Carboor following aerial spraying of a young Pinus radiata plantation. R. J. McKimm and P. Hopmans. September 1977. 9 pp. (Summary)
Use of fertilisers on farm woodlots. D. W. Flinn. September 1977. 9 pp. (Summary)
A study of the flora and fauna of radiata pine, Pinus radiata D. Don, plantations near Myrtleford in North-eastern Victoria. III. Third progress report. Part A. Contents, introduction and study region. G. C. Suckling. October 1977. 22 pp. (Summary)
A study of the flora and fauna of radiata pine, Pinus radiata D. Don, plantations near Myrtleford in North-eastern Victoria. III. Third progress report. Part B. Vegetation. G. C. Suckling and A. Heislers. October 1977. 23 pp. (Summary)
A study of the flora and fauna of radiata pine, Pinus radiata D. Don, plantations near Myrtleford in North-eastern Victoria. III. Third progress report. Part C. Mammals. G. C. Suckling and A. Heislers. October 1977. 35 pp. (Summary)
A study of the flora and fauna of radiata pine, Pinus radiata D. Don, plantations near Myrtleford in North-eastern Victoria. III. Third progress report. Part D. Birds. E. Backen. October 1977. 22 pp. (Summary)
A study of the flora and fauna of radiata pine, Pinus radiata D. Don, plantations near Myrtleford in North-eastern Victoria. III. Third progress report. Part E. Insects. F. G. Neumann. October 1977. 31 pp. (Summary)
A study of the flora and fauna of radiata pine, Pinus radiata D. Don, plantations near Myrtleford in North-eastern Victoria. III. Third progress report. Part F. Summary of findings. G. C. Suckling, E. Backen, A. Heislers and F. G. Neumann. October 1977. 4 pp. (Summary)
Root rot, symptom development and disease escape in Eucalyptus obliqua growing in soils infected with Phytophthora cinnamomi. G. C. Marks and J. T. Tippett. November 1977. 14 pp. (Summary)
Soil chemical properties under eucalypt forest and radiata pine plantations on coastal sands. P. Hopmans, D. W. Flinn and R. O. Squire. December 1977. 9 pp. (Summary)
Glyphosate for the control of competing vegetation in Pinus radiata plantations at Myrtleford. G. Minko. January 1978. 15 pp. (Summary)
Early growth responses of radiata pine to grass control and superphosphate in the Strzelecki Ranges. D. W. Flinn. February 1978. 5 pp. (Summary)
Pesticides in the forest environment. I. Use of 2,4,5-T for control of woody weeds in Pinus radiata plantations in Victoria. D. W. Flinn and P. Hopmans. February 1978. 8 pp. (Summary)
Distribution and development of dieback in the Grampians. B. K. Ward, F. K. Kassaby and I. Christie. March 1978. 27 pp. (Summary)
Effects of vorox AA on regenerating plant species in a Pinus radiata plantation at Myrtleford. G. Minko. April 1978. 15 pp. (Summary)
Productivity of alternate methods of non-commercial thinning. W. D. Incoll. April 1978. 7 pp. (Summary)
Assessment of open-pollinated Pinus radiata progeny trials planted 1963-1968. L. A. Pederick. May 1978. 22 pp. (Summary)
Protection of direct-sown eucalypt seed from destructive organisms. F. G. Neumann, F. Y. Kassaby and J. A. Harris. May 1978. 34 pp. (Summary)
Phytophthora cinnamomi root rot investigations in Victoria: A review with special reference to Forestry. G. C. Marks and R. M. Idczak. August 1978. 26 pp. (Summary)
2,4,5-T residues in stream water following aerial spraying for woody weed control in the Narbethong Plantation. R. J. McKimm and P. Hopmans. June 1978. 11 pp. (Summary)
Provenance variation in Sitka spruce. L. A. Pederick. August 1978. 12 pp. (Summary)
Nutrient loss from burning Pinus radiata logging residue. D. W. Flinn, P. Hopmans, P. W. Farrell and J. M. James. September 1978. 7 pp. (Summary)
Comparison of establishment methods for Pinus radiata on a former P. pinaster site. D. W. Flinn. September 1978. 11 pp. (Summary)
Effects of utilisation on flora and fauna in Boola Boola State Forest. Part A. Contents, introduction and study areas. R. H. Loyn. September 1978. 46 pp. (Summary)
Effects of utilisation on flora and fauna in Boola Boola State Forest. Part B. Vegetation. E. A. Chesterfield. September 1978. 38 pp. (Summary)
Effects of utilisation on flora and fauna in Boola Boola State Forest. Part C. Insects. J. A. Harris. September 1978. 11 pp. (Summary)
Effects of utilisation on flora and fauna in Boola Boola State Forest. Part D. Birds. R. H. Loyn. October 1978. 71 pp. (Summary)
Effects of utilisation on flora and fauna in Boola Boola State Forest. Part E. Mammals. M. A. Macfarlane. November 1978. 28 pp. (Summary)
Effects of utilisation on flora and fauna in Boola Boola State Forest. Part F. Summary of findings. R. H. Loyn, M. A. Macfarlane, E. A. Chesterfield and J. A. Harris. October 1978. 5 pp. (Summary)
Aspects of the biology of chlamydospores of Phytophthora cinnamomi. F. Y. Kassaby. February 1979. 25 pp. (Summary)
Provenance variation in Pinus contorta. L. A. Pederick and J. McI. McDonald. February 1979. 13 pp. (Summary)
Effects of time of sowing and container type on height, growth and survival of containerised seedlings of Eucalyptus regnans F. Muell. J. D. Kellas and J. G. Edgar. February 1979. 11 pp. (Summary)
Growth of first and second-rotation stands of Pinus radiata D. Don on dune-sand soils at Rennick. First progress report. R. O. Squire, D. W. Flinn, P. Hopmans and P. W. Farrell. January 1979. 55 pp. (Summary)
Establishment of indigenous eucalypts in dieback areas of Mullungdung State Forest, Yarram Forest District. 1. First progress report. Survey of experimental areas during February and May 1978 following site preparation and sowing in February and June 1977 respectively. F. G. Nuemann, I. W. Smith and R. Jolly. March 1979. 30 pp. (Summary)
Softwood resources scheduling system users manual. K. Tregonning and B. C Aeberli. April 1979. 45 pp.
Soluble nutrient inputs in rain and outputs in stream water during 1977 for small forested catchments in North-eastern Victoria. D. W. Flinn, L. J. Bren and P. Hopmans. April 1979. 55 pp. (Summary)
Sustained growth responses to superphosphate applied to established stands of radiata pine. D. W. Flinn, I. Moller and P. Hopmans. April 1979. 11 pp. (Summary)
Electrical conductivity and resin flow in Pinus radiata seedlings. G. Minko. April 1979. 15 pp. (Summary)
Nutrient status and soil properties in areas of the Benalla, Trentham and Rennick Nurseries producing 1-0 Pinus radiata seedlings in 1975. P. Hopmans and D. W. Flinn. April 1979. 14 pp. (Summary)
Response of radiata pine in the Neerim East Plantation to fertilisers containing N and P applied at planting. D. W. Flinn, P. Hopmans, I. Moller and K. Tregonning. April 1979. 11 pp. (Summary)
Above-ground biomass of a mixed eucalypt forest in eastern Victoria. H. T. L. Stewart, D. W. Flinn and B. C. Aerberli. May 1979. 27 pp. (Summary)
Eucalypt species, site preparation and fertiliser requirements for reforestation of the Toorongo Plateau in Central Victoria. R. J. McKimm and D. W. Flinn. May 1979. 16 pp. (Summary)
Root system investigations in stands of Eucalyptus regnans F. Muell. W. D. Incoll. June 1979. 16 pp. (Summary)
Effect of overwood trees on growth of Eucalyptus sieberi. W. D. Incoll. June 1979. 12 pp. (Summary)
The hydrology of small forested catchments in North-eastern Victoria. I. Establishment of the Cropper Creek Project. L. J. Bren, D. W. Flinn, P. Hopmans and C. J. Leitch. July 1979. 86 pp. (Summary)
Beetle populations in eucalypt and pine forests in North-eastern Victoria. F. G. Neumann. July 1979. 27 pp. (Summary)
Nitrogen mineralisation in a sandy soil under native eucalypt forest and exotic pine plantations in relation to moisture content. P. Hopmans, D. W. Flinn and P. W. Farrell. July 1979. 7 pp. (Summary)
Diurnal changes in water stress in young Pinus radiata D. Don under plantation conditions. P. W. Farrell and R. O. Squire. July 1979. 14 pp. (Summary)
The effects of spacing on the rate of machine planting. W. D. Incoll, J. E. Opie and B. C. Aeberlie. August 1979. 11 pp. (Summary)
Response to early things in Victorian Pinus radiata stands up to age 25. W. D. Incoll and T. Baker. August 1979. 13 pp. (Summary)
A vegetation survey of the Dartmouth Dam reservoir area. E. A. Chesterfield, R. D. Macauley and P. Baulch. September 1979. 42 pp. (Vegetation Map) (Summary)
The distribution of mammals, plant communities and habitats in a native forest catchment in North-eastern Victoria. C. J. Ashe. October 1979. 16 pp. (Summary)
Growth of Pinus radiata trees from seed orchard and routine seed sources at four locations. L. A. Pederick. November 1979. 14 pp. (Summary)
Provenance trials of Pinus strobus, P. monticola and P. lambertiana in the Mansfield Forest District. L. A. Pederick and J. McDonald. December 1979. 18 pp. (Summary)
Effects of alpine ash logging on stream sediment levels in the East Kiewa River catchment. I. First progress report. C. J. Leitch. December 1979. 19 pp. (Summary)
Long-term effects of hail damage on radiata pine. G. Minko. January 1980. 9 pp. (Summary)
Establishment of eucalypts by sowing on dieback-affected forest sites in East Gippsland. P. C. Fagg. April 1980. 62 pp. (Summary)
Screening of weedicides for overspraying Eucalyptus, Pinus and Casuarina on clay soils irrigated with treated effluent. D. W. Flinn, H. T. L. Stewart and P. J. O’Shaugnessy. April 1980. 24 pp. (Summary)
Chemicals for non-commercial thinning of Pinus radiata by basal stem injection. G. Minko. April 1980. 7 pp. (Summary)
Wood losses through Eucalyptus dieback associated with Phytophthora cinnamomi in eastern Victoria. P. C. Fagg. June 1980. 15 pp. (Summary)
Screening of herbicides for woody weed control in Pinus radiata plantations. D. W. Flinn, G. Minko and L. Barrand. July 1980. 9 pp. (Summary)
A survey of damage caused by the Sirex woodwasp in the radiata pine plantations at Delatite, North-eastern Victoria, between 1972 and 1979. R. J. McKimm and J. W. Walls. July 1980. 14 pp. (Summary)
A synopsis of the Sirex problem in radiata pine plantations in south-eastern Australia. F. G. Neumann and G. Minko. August 1980. 34 pp. (Summary)
Evaluation of mechanical methods for treating Pinus radiata logging residue. C. J. Leitch and P. W. Farrell. August 1980. 14 pp. (Summary)
Nutrient status of 1-0 Pinus radiata seedlings grown in 1978 at the Benalla, Rennick, and Trentham nurseries. J. M. James and D. W. Flinn. August 1980. 20 pp. (Summary)
Salt-licks for the control of damage by mammals to the bark of Pinus radiata in the Ovens Valley, North-eastern Victoria. G. Minko, R. S. Beasley and L. A. Stephens. August 1980. 8 pp. (Summary)
An ambrosia beetle in radiata pine. J. A. Harris and G. Minko. September 1980. 10 pp. (Summary)
Survey of the nutrient status of Pinus radiata seedlings and of soil properties in three Victorian nurseries. D. W. Flinn, P. Hopmans and F. G. Craig. September 1980. 16 pp. (Summary)
A preliminary survey of severe dieback in the coastal, mixed eucalypt forests of East Gippsland. B. K. Ward and R. J. McKimm. September 1980. 22 pp. (Summary)
Maldison as a chemical for phasmatid control in Victoria. J. A. Harris. September 1980. 13 pp. (Summary)
The effect of degree of crown scorch on basal area increment of Eucalyptus obliqua in west-central Victoria. J. D. Kellas and R. O. Squire. December 1980. 9 pp. (Summary)
Evaluation of a mechanical harvester for lifting radiata pine seedlings. C. J. Leitch. December 1980. 9 pp. (Summary)
Research on the silvicultural and environmental effects of harvesting at Maramingo and Reedy Creek Pulpwood Demonstration Areas, East Gippsland. Progress to November 1980. R. H. Loyn. January 1981. 43 pp. (Summary)
Survey of phasmatid (Didymuria violescens) populations in eucalypt forests during 1980. R. G. Runnalls and M. J. McCormick. February 1981. 16 pp. (Summary)
Effects of water-dispersable polyethylene emulsions on germination and seedling growth of Pinus radiata. G. Minko. February 1981. 8 pp. (Summary)
Diagnosis and correction of iron deficiency in planted eucalypts in north-west Victoria. H. T. L. Stewart, D. W. Flinn and J. M. James. February 1981. 7 pp. (Summary)
Gains from breeding radiata pine in Victoria. 1. Re-evaluation of clones for an improved seed orchard. L. A. Pederick. April 1981. 21 pp. (Summary)
Response of Eucalyptus sideroxylon to release from competition in an irregular stand. J. D. Kellas, J. V. Owen and R. O. Squire. April 1981. 5 pp. (Summary)
Above-ground biomass of Pinus radiata in South Gippsland, Victoria. H. T. L. Stewart and D. W. Flinn. May 1981. 18 pp. (Summary)
Regeneration of high elevation, mixed species eucalypt forests in East Gippsland. P. C. Fagg. May 1981. 75 pp. (Summary)
Effects of alpine ash logging on stream sediment levels in the East Kiewa River catchment. 2. First calibration report. C. J. Leitch. June 1981. 30 pp. (Summary)
A preliminary study of eucalypt dieback in the Dandenong Ranges. B. K. Ward and F. G. Neumann. June 1981. 12 pp. (Summary)
Seedling mortality due to Phytophthora cinnamomi in the Maramingo and Reedy Creek Pulpwood Demonstration Areas, East Gippsland. I. W. Smith. July 1981. 23 pp. (Summary)
Effects of thinning and initial stocking on growth of Eucalyptus camaldulensis. W. D. Incoll. September 1981. 11 pp. (Summary)
Effects of wildfire on survival, growth, form and defect in Eucalyptus obliqua and E. sieberi forests. W. D. Incoll. July 1981. 17 pp. (Summary)
Biomass and nutrient distribution in radiata pine. H. T. L. Stewart, D. W. Flinn and J. M. James. September 1981. 14 pp. (Summary)
Site disturbance and nutrient economy of plantations, with special reference to radiata pine on sands. R. O. Squire and D. W. Flinn. October 1981. 13 pp. (Summary)
Thinning of radiata pine by crawler tractor, on steep slopes in North-eastern Victoria: a preliminary study. C. J. Leitch and G. B. Moore. November 1981. 12 pp. (Summary)
Advances in control of woody weeds in radiata pine plantations in Victoria. D. W. Flinn and G. Minko. November 1981. 7 pp. (Summary)
Management of Pinus radiata on phosphorus-deficient soils in Victoria. D. W. Flinn and P. W. Farrell. November 1981. 7 pp. (Summary)
Phosphorus cycling in radiata pine on a strongly adsorbing soil. D. W. Flinn, J. M. James and P. Hopmans. December 1981. 21 pp. (Summary)
Evaluation of herbicides for stem injection of woody weeds in young radiata pine plantations. G. Minko and D. W. Flinn. January 1982. 10 pp. (Summary)
Protection of direct-sown eucalypt seeds from destructive organisms. II Screening of some commercial pesticides for use as protective seed coats of eucalypts. F. G. Neumann and F. Y. Kassaby. January 1982. 20 pp. (Summary)
Screening of herbicides for use in the Benalla radiata pine nursery. G. Minko and D. W. Flinn. February 1982. 9 pp. (Summary)
Introduction of the sugar glider, Petaurus breviceps, into re-established forest of the Tower Hill State Game Reserve. G. C. Suckling and M. A. Macfarlane. February 1982. 16 pp. (Summary)
Comparison of establishment techniques for radiata pine on poorly drained, phosphorus-deficient soils. D. W. Flinn and B. C. Aeberli. March 1982. 14 pp. (Summary)
Residues of hexazinone and four of its metabolites in streamwater after aerial spraying of a Pinus radiata plantation near Yarram, Victoria. P. C. Fagg, J. M. James, D. W. Flinn and P. Mainey. March 1982. 9 pp. (Summary)
Mammals of the Reef Hills State Forest in North-eastern Victoria. M. A. Macfarlane, B. L. Walters and G. C. Suckling. April 1982. 18 pp. (Summary)
Irrigation efficiency in a radiata pine nursery. L. J. Bren and P. W. Farrell. April 1982. 13 pp. (Summary)
Estimating weight of woody eucalypt debris following clearing for pine establishment. H. T. L. Stewart and M. Woodman. April 1982. 4 pp. (Summary)
An armillaria root rot control experiment in Mount Cole State Forest, Victoria. I. Establishment and progress report. G. A. Kile, R. O. Squire and J. G. Edgar. May 1982. 30 pp. (Summary)
Trunk infection of eucalypts by Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands – a preliminary report. G. C. Marks, I. W. Smith and F. Y. Kassaby. June 1982. 17 pp. (Summary)
Chemical control of young, natural, radiata pine regeneration. D. W. Flinn, G. Minko and L. Barrand. June 1982. 7 pp. (Summary)
Provenance variation in Douglas fir in Victoria. L. A. Pederick. July 1982. 20 pp. (Summary)
An improved technique for early detection and control of sirex wasp in radiata pine plantations. F. G. Neumann, J. A. Harris, F. Y. Kassaby and G. Minko. July 1982. 17 pp. (Summary)
Survey of eucalypt dieback in Mt Cole State Forest, with special reference to armillaria root rot. R. G. Runnalls and G. Y. Forward. August 1982. 18 pp. (Summary)
Spread of radiata pine into indigenous vegetation in North-eastern Victoria. G. Minko and B. C. Aeberli. August 1982. 13 pp. (Summary)
The influence of Acacia spp. on the control of Phytophthora cinnamomi root rot of Eucalyptus sieberi. I. W. Smith and G. C. Marks. September 1982. 14 pp. (Summary)
Effects of harvesting eucalypts for sawlogs and pulpwood in two areas in East Gippsland. I. Changes in the composition of understorey vegetation in the first four years. R. H. Loyn, P. C. Fagg, J. E. Piggin, A. G. Morton and K. G. Tolhurst. November 1982. 26 pp. (Summary)
Factors influencing suppression of root rot of Eucalyptus sieberi and E. obliqua caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi. G. C. Marks and I. W. Smith. December 1982. 17 pp. (Summary)
Irrigation of tree plantations with wastewater in Victoria. 1. Site characteristics, establishment and maintenance procedures, and tree survival and growth, between 1977 and 1981. H. T. L. Stewart, D. W. Flinn and P. J. Baldwin. December 1982. 59 pp. (Summary)
Eucalypt crown dieback associated with Phytophthora cinnamomi, following the September 1973 wildfire near Cann River, East Gippsland. P. C. Fagg, B. K. Ward and G. R. Featherston. December 1982. 15 pp. (Summary)
Seasonal rainfall and forest dieback epidemics in Gippsland. K. C. Tregonning and P. C. Fagg. December 1982. 29 pp. (Summary)
Regeneration of damaged roots of ‘young’ and ‘old’ Eucalyptus sieberi with reference to susceptibility to infection by Phytophthora cinnamomi root rot. I. W. Smith and G. C. Marks. December 1982. 9 pp. (Summary)
Radiata pine residue management and its implications for site productivity. P. W. Farrell. January 1983. 12 pp. (Summary)
Aspects of woody weed control in radiata pine plantations in Victoria. P. C. Fagg and D. W. Flinn. February 1983. 22 pp. (Summary)
Review of second-rotation silviculture of Pinus radiata plantations in southern Australia: Establishment practices and expectations. R. O. Squire. February 1983. 15 pp. (Summary)
Insecticides in Victorian forestry. F. G. Neumann. February 1983. 17 pp. (Summary)
Residues of hexazinone in streamwater after aerial application to an experimental catchment planted with radiata pine. C. J. Leitch and D. W. Flinn. March 1983. 9 pp. (Summary)
Derivation of fertiliser regimes for radiata pine nurseries with contrasting soils. P. Hopmans and D. W. Flinn. March 1983. 11 pp. (Summary)
Birds of the Reef Hills State Forest in North-eastern Victoria. R. H. Loyn. April 1983. 22 pp. (Summary)
Seed-tree health and survival at Maramingo and Reedy Creek Pulpwood Demonstration Areas, East Gippsland, five years after harvesting. G. R. Featherston. April 1983. 9 pp. (Summary)
Effects of alpine ash logging on stream sediment levels in the East Kiewa River catchment. 3. Soils of the hydrological project area. D. J. Hough. April 1983. 14 pp. (Summary)
A review of past performance and potential suitability of conifers (other than Pinus radiata) for planting in Victoria. L. A. Pederick. May 1983. 46 pp. (Summary)
Development of Phytophthora cinnamomi infection in roots of Eucalyptus spp. growing in a soil that suppresses phytophthora root disease. G. C. Marks and I. W. Smith. June 1983. 11 pp. (Summary)
Productivity of seedling and coppice eucalypt crops over short rotations. W. D. Incoll. June 1983. 12 pp. (Summary)
Distribution of phytophthora root rot and eucalypt dieback along the proposed route of the Gas and Fuel Corporation natural gas pipeline, between Pakenham and Wollert. P. J. McHugh, F. G. Neumann and G. C. Marks. July 1983. 16 pp. + App. (Summary)
Starch content of eucalypts as affected by season, ringbarking and chemical stump treatments. J. D Kellas and R. O. Squire. July 1983. 10 pp. (Summary)
Factors influencing electrical resistance in stems of Eucalyptus obliqua, E. globulus ssp. bicostata and E. viminalis. G. A. Kile, J. D. Kellas and R. G. Jarrett. August 1983. 12 pp. (Summary)
Electrical resistance in relation to crown dieback symptoms, infection and growth in Eucalyptus obliqua and E. globulus ssp. bicostata. G. A. Kile, J. D. Kellas and R. G. Jarrett. August 1983. 14 pp. (Summary)
The hydrology of small forested catchments in North-eastern Victoria. 2. Hydrological features of the Cropper Creek Project Area. L. J. Bren, C. J. Leitch and D. W. Flinn. September 1983. 34 pp. (Summary)
Seed-bed assessments and resulting regeneration on two, high-elevation, mixed species logging coupes in East Gippsland. G. R. Featherston and P. C. Fagg. September 1983. 17 pp. (Summary)
Wood properties of trees irrigated with sewage effluent in relation to their suitability for fence posts. R. J. McKimm. September 1983. 16 pp. (Summary)
Leaf temperatures of Eucalyptus sieberi seedlings infected by Phytophthora cinnamomi under growth-room conditions. J. D. Morris and G. C. Marks. October 1983. 5 pp. (Summary)
Variation in genotypic response to copper deficiency in Pinus radiata. L. A. Pederick, P. Hopmans, D. W. Flinn and I. D. Abbott. October 1983. 13 pp. (Summary)
Flora and fauna of the Rodger Forest Block, East Gippsland, Victoria. E. A. Chesterfield, M. A. Macfarlane, D. Allen, M. N. Hutchinson, B. Triggs and R. Barley. July 1983. 107 pp. + maps. (Map Appendix IV) (Summary)
Standsim user manual. W. D. Incoll. November 1983. 20 pp. + ATV (38 pp.). (Summary)
The introduced five-spined bark beetle, Ips grandicollis, in Victorian radiata pine plantations. I. First progress report. F. G. Neumann and J. L. Morey. December 1983. 31 pp. (Summary)
Effects of superphosphate on the incidence and severity of fused needle disorder in a Pinus radiata plantation at Narbethong. J. M. James. December 1983. 7 pp. (Summary)
Establishment of ornamental trees and shrubs on a saline site using drip irrigation. J. D. Morris. December 1983. 22 pp. (Summary)
Residues of 3,6-DCPA in streamwater following aerial application to a radiata pine plantation in Ryan’s Creek catchment, North-eastern Victoria. P. C. Fagg and C. J. Leitch. December 1983. 16 pp. (Summary)
Flora and fauna of Barmah State Forest and their management. E. A. Chesterfield, R. H. Loyn and M. A. Macfarlane. January 1984. 73 pp. + App. (Vegetation Map) (Summary)
Program COMPRO - A FORTRAN programming aid. B. C. Aeberli. February 1984. 11 pp. + App. (Summary)
Boron deficiency in Pinus radiata and the effect of applied boron on height growth and nutrient uptake. P. Hopmans and D. W. Flinn. March 1984. 6 pp. (Summary)
Thinning of natural regeneration in second-rotation radiata pine plantations using a motorised brushcutter and a hand slasher. G. Minko. March 1984. 7 pp. (Summary)
Performance of Pinus radiata 'super' seedlings 12 years after outplanting. I. D. Abbott and L. A. Pederick. March 1984. 9 pp. (Summary)
Harvesting and site productivity in eucalypt forests. H. T. L. Stewart, D. W. Flinn and P. Hopmans. April 1984. 11 pp. (Summary)
Eucalypt oil coating and the germination of Pinus radiata seeds. G. Minko. May 1984. 4 pp. (Summary)
The climate of the Errinundra Plateau, East Gippsland. G. R. Featherston, P. C. Fagg and F. Morris. May 1984. 16 pp. (Summary)
A study of the distribution and habitat of Potorous longipes in East Gippsland, Victoria. A. N. Drinnan and F. A. R. Hill. June 1984. 16 pp. + App. (Summary)
Comparative salt-tolerance of ornamental trees and shrubs for Victorian field planting. J. D. Morris. June 1984. 20 pp. (Summary)
PASC8: An aid for documentation of computer programs. B. C. Aeberli. July 1984. 6 pp. + App. (Summary)
Erosion and nutrient loss resulting from Ash Wednesday (February 1983) wildfires : A case study. C. J. Leitch, D. W. Flinn and W. G. Smith. August 1984. 13 pp. (Summary)
Characteristics of the wood of young, fast-grown trees of Eucalyptus nitens with special reference to provenance variation. R. J. McKimm. August 1984. 26 pp. + App. (7 pp.). (Summary)
A study of the rare wingless stonefly, Riekoperla darlingtoni (Illies), near Mt Donna Buang, Victoria. F. G. Neumann and J. L. Morey. August 1984. 7 pp. (Summary)
Nutrition of radiata pine established on an infertile siliceous sand in South-west Victoria. P. W. Geary, P. Hopmans and D. W. Flinn. August 1984. 11 pp. (Summary)
Herbicides for post-emergence control of weeds in a radiata pine nursery. G. Minko and L. A. Stephens. August 1984. 8 pp. (Summary)
The effects of fire in eucalypt forests on soils, nutrient cycling, tree growth and catchment hydrology: A review with particular reference to fuel-reduction burning. D. W. Flinn, P. W. Farrell, H. T. L. Stewart, C. J. Leitch and P. Hopmans. August 1984. 44 pp. (Summary)
Utilisation of young, plantation-grown shining gum for veneer and plywood manufacture. R. J. McKimm. September 1984. 7 pp. (Summary)
Nutrient loss from broadcast burning of eucalypt debris in north-east Victoria. H. T. L. Stewart and D. W. Flinn. September 1984. 15 pp. (Summary)
Successional trends in vegetation following eucalypt harvesting in mature mixed forest on the Errinundra Plateau, East Gippsland. I. O. Cook and A. N. Drinnan. September 1984. 28 pp. (Summary)
Studies of Sirex noctilio and its natural enemies, in herbicide-treated trap trees of radiata pine in Victoria. F. G. Neumann, S. J. Smith and J. L. Morey. October 1984. 16 pp. (Summary)
Weedicides for removal of natural regeneration of radiata pine in second-rotation plantations. G. Minko and L. A. Stephens. October 1984. 7 pp. (Summary)
Post-infection antagonism in Eucalyptus sieberi seedlings growing in Phytophthora cinnamomi - infected soils that suppress root disease. G. C. Marks and I. W. Smith. November 1984. 8 pp. (Summary)
Mortality in young families of Eucalyptus regnans due to Phytophthora cinnamomi, up to five years after planting. J. A. Harris, F. Y. Kassaby and I. W. Smith. November 1984. 11 pp. (Summary)
Regeneration survey methods and stocking standards for eucalypt forests in Victoria. B. A. Wehner. November 1984. 12 pp. (Summary)
Genetic variation in Eucalyptus delegatensis. 1. Provenance variation. I. D. Abbott and L. A. Pederick. November 1984. 35 pp. (Summary)
Genetic variation in Eucalyptus delegatensis. 2. Altitudinal variation in growth (two years), seed dormancy and cold hardiness. I. D. Abbott and L. A. Pederick. November 1984. 33 pp. (Summary)
Effects of pesticides in seed-coats on the germination and protection of Eucalyptus regnans seed. F. G. Neumann and F. Y. Kassaby. November 1984. 16 pp. (Summary)
Review of weed control practices in radiata pine plantations in Australia. P. C. Fagg and D. W. Flinn. November 1984. 15 pp. (Summary)
Changes in bird and mammal populations after harvesting eucalypts for sawlogs and pulpwood in East Gippsland. R. H. Loyn and M. A. Macfarlane. November 1984. 19 pp. + App. (Summary)
Variation in estimates of quadrat stocking with time in regenerated coupes of ash eucalypts. B. A. Wehner. November 1984. 10 pp + App. (Summary)
Depth of seed cover in relation to emergence, survival and growth of seedlings in a radiata pine nursery. G. Minko and L. A. Stephens. December 1984. 5 pp. (Summary)
Effects of twelve seed treatments on germination, survival and growth of seedlings in a radiata pine nursery. G. Minko, F. Y. Kassaby, L. A. Stephens and R. Brash. December 1984. 5 pp. (Summary)
A survey of the mammals, birds and vegetation of Compartment 3 and the Errinundra Flora reserve, Errinundra Plateau, East Gippsland. G. C. Suckling, R. H. Loyn and I. O. Cook. December 1984. 26 pp. (Summary)
Pratylenchus penetrans (root lesion nematode), a new disease of Pinus radiata on sandy soils. G. C. Marks, R. Winoto-Suatmadji and I. D. Christie. August 1985. 12 pp. (Summary)
Solar heating of soil for control of damping-off disease. F. Y. Kassaby. January 1985. 13 pp. (Summary)
Natural variation in shining gum, Eucalyptus nitens. II. Second progress report. L. A. Pederick. February 1985. 33 pp. (Summary)
Chemical control of seedling growth in forest extension nurseries. J. D. Morris. March 1985. 10 pp. (Summary)
Bird populations in successional forests of mountain ash in Central Victoria. R. H. Loyn. June 1985. 32 pp. (Summary)
Aspects of the biology, survey and control of the introduced smaller European bark beetle, Scolytus multistriatus, a potential carrier of Dutch elm disease in Victoria. F. G. Neumann and G. Minko. May 1985. 21 pp. (Summary)
Practical aspects of the nutrition of exotic conifer plantations and eucalypt forests in Australia. D. W. Flinn. May 1985. 22 pp. (Summary)
Hydrologic effects of a stretch of forest road. L. J. Bren and C. J. Leitch. May 1985. 17 pp. (Summary)
Control of Acacia verticillata and other woody weeds in a young Pinus radiata plantation by an aerial application of hexazinone. P. W. Geary and D. W. Flinn. June 1985. 10 pp. (Summary)
The effects of fire on fauna: a review. G. C. Suckling and M. A. Macfarlane. June 1985. 14 pp. (Summary)
Productivity of first and second-rotation stands of radiata pine on sandy soils: height and volume growth at five years. R. 0. Squire, P. W. Farrell, D. W. Flinn and B. C. Aeberli. June 1985. 17 pp. (Summary)
Irrigation of tree plantations with wastewater in Victoria. 2. Distribution, length and weight of roots in young Eucalyptus grandis (flooded gum) plantations at two sites in North-western Victoria. P. J. Baldwin and H. T. L. Stewart. July 1985. 13 pp. (Summary)
Strategies for conserving wildlife in commercially productive eucalypt forest. R. H. Loyn. August 1985. 10 pp. (Summary)
Moth pocket, a timber defect in Eucalytpus regnans. G. C. Marks, J. A. Harris and I. R. Long. August 1985. 6 pp. (Summary)
The effect of moisture stress in Eucalyptus sieberi on Phytophthora cinnamomi lesion development. I. W. Smith and G. C. Marks. October 1985. 9 pp. (Summary)
Harvesting history of a coastal forest area in East Gippsland in relation to eucalypt species composition. G. R. Featherston. September 1985. 17 pp. (Summary)
Pasture control techniques for the establishment of mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans) plantations. P. C. Fagg. October 1985. 39 pp. (Summary)
The 20-minute search - a simple method for counting forest birds. R. H. Loyn. October 1985. 6 pp. (Summary)
Birds and mammals in areas scheduled for once-only harvesting, Otway National Park. R. H. Loyn and M. A. Macfarlane. November 1985. 17 pp. (Summary)
Irrigation of tree plantations with recycled water in Australia : research developments and case studies. H. T. L. Stewart, E. Allender, P. Sandell and P. Kube. November 1983. 13 pp. (Summary)
Irrigation of tree plantations with recycled water in Victoria : some economic analyses. H. T. L. Stewart and G. Salmon. November 1985. 13 pp. (Summary)
Ecology, distribution and density of birds in Victorian forests. R. H. Loyn. November 1985. 24 pp. (Summary)
Birds in fragmented forests in the LaTrobe Valley, Central Gippsland, Victoria. R. H. Loyn. November 1985. 8 pp. + App. (Summary)
Influence of espacement on branch characteristics and occlusion in Eucalyptus delegatensis. W. D. Incoll and R. J. McKimm. November 1985. 10 pp. (Summary)
Screening of herbicides for stem injection of cull trees in a eucalypt forest. G. Minko and L. A. Stephens. December 1985. 6 pp. (Summary)
Herbaceous weed control by spot application of herbicides in a young radiata pine plantation on a sandy soil. P. C. Fagg, D. W. Flinn and G. Hepworth. December 1985. 16 pp. (Summary)
Growth of eight-year-old Eucalyptus regnans families on three sites. L. A. Pederick and S. J. A. Burke. December 1985. 23 pp. (Summary)
Hardwood harvesting and water quality in the Otways. I. West Barham Catchment (water supply for Apollo Bay). P. W. Farrell and P. M. Novotny. November 1985. 65 pp. (Summary)
Biological aspects, breeding, liberation and evaluation of natural enemies of the sirex woodwasp in Victoria. J. L. Morey. December 1985. 24 pp. (Summary)
Studies on the utilisation of dominant 20-year-old plantation-grown trees of Eucalyptus nitens. R. J. McKimm, G. Waugh and R. L. Northway. December 1985. 33 pp. (Summary)
Forest entomology in Victoria, 1962-1984: an annotated bibliography. F. G. Neumann and J. A. Harris. December 1985. 51 pp. (Summary)
Relationship between branch thickness and stand density in radiata pine. L. A. Pederick and I. D. Abbott. December 1985. 11 pp. (Summary)
A spray-guard system for applying non-selective herbicides around young trees. P. C. Fagg and G. J. Cameron. December 1985. 12 pp. (Summary)
Dothistroma needle blight: a brief review and estimation of the potential hazard in Victorian radiata pine plantations. I. O. Cook. December 1985. 12 pp. (Summary)
Hydrological effects of clearing native forest in North-east Victoria: the first three years. C. J. Leitch and D. W. Flinn. December 1985. 21 pp. (Summary)
Ecology and distribution of the long-footed potoroo (Potorous longipes) – a secondary preliminary examination. F. A. R. Hill and B. E. Triggs. December 1985. 24 pp. (Summary)
Index to Research Branch Reports. Numbers 1-310, March 1971-December 1985. M. L. Pennicuik. December 1985. 63 pp. This Index is superceded by Research Branch Report 350. (Summary)
KRENITE for control of natural regeneration of radiata pine and competing vegetation following wildlife. G. Minko and L. A. Stephens. January 1986. 11pp. (Summary)
Radiata pine cuttings: an examination of their characteristics at age 12 years, and their future in forestry. I. O. Cook and L. A. Pederick. February 1986. 9pp. (Summary)
Mechanical strength and physical properties of the wood of Douglas fir grown in Victoria. R. J. McKimm. May 1986. 6pp. (Summary)
Insect pheromones and their application in the survey and control of destructive bark beetles, with special reference to Ips grandicollis in Victorian pine plantations. F. G. Neumann. June 1986. 20pp. (Summary)
Large gaps in plantations and their effect on height, diameter, volume and branchiness of radiata pine. G. Minko and G. Hepworth. July 1986. 8pp. (Summary)
Root deformity and toppling in families of mountain ash up to eight years after planting. J. A. Harris and F. Y. Kassaby. August 1986. 17pp. (Summary)
Evaluation of a trailer spray unit with boom and boomless nozzle system for woody weed control. P. C. Fagg, A. D. Manderson, A. A. Pook and G. J. Cameron. January 1987. 17pp. (Summary)
Silver wattle control in pine plantations with Lontrel and Roundup applied with a tractor-mounted rope-wick applicator. P. C. Fagg, G. J. Cameron and D. W. Flinn. February 1987. 15pp. (Summary)
Control of natural regeneration of radiata pine during second rotation establishment using slash retention techniques. P. W. Geary, S. J. Pollett, D. S. Thomson and D. W. Flinn. April 1987. 29pp. (Summary)
Regeneration of mountain ash following clearfelling of a regrowth stand. R. G. Campbell and P. L. Bray. May 1987. 40pp. (Summary)
A plan for the breeding of radiata pine in the Department of Conservation, Forests and Lands. L. A. Pederick. June 1987. 50pp. (Summary)
Daily and annual water use by four eucalypt species irrigated with wastewater at Robinvale. J. D. Morris and B. A. Wehner. September 1987. 31pp. (Summary)
Thinning dense thickets of advanced natural radiata pine regeneration in north-eastern Victoria. G. Minko. July 1987. 9pp. (Summary)
Survival and early growth of radiata pine seedlings following root puddling in hydrogel slurries. G. Minko. February 1988. 11pp. (Summary)
Control of some mistletoe species on eucalyptus by herbicide injection. G. Minko and P. C. Fagg. May 1988. 24pp. (Summary)
A study on the chemical control of cape ivy in a national park. P. C. Fagg. August 1988. 10pp. (Summary)
The effect of inter-planted wattles on the establishment of eucalypts planted on forest sites affected by Phytophthora cinnamomi. I. W. Smith, G. C. Marks, G. R. Featherston and P. W. Geary. September 1988. 14pp. (Summary)
Litter arthropods in mountain ash forest and their response to wildfire, harvesting and regeneration. F. G. Neumann. September 1988. 39pp. (Summary)
Genetic variation in stem deformity of radiata pine on highly fertile sites in north-eastern Victoria. I. R. Bail and L. A. Pederick. April 1989. 39pp. (Summary)
Early stages of plant succession following timber harvesting in the West Barham catchment of the Otway Ranges. S. G. Harris. September 1989. 29pp. (Summary)
Insect pests and diseases in native forests, pine plantations and forest nurseries: A discussion paper on their importance and management in Victoria. F. G. Neumann and G. C. Marks. October 1989. 64pp. (Summary)
Stem deformity in radiata pine on pasture sites in relation to soil properties. P. Hopmans. November 1989. 13pp. (Summary)
A survey of pine needle blight in radiata pine plantations in north-eastern Victoria: October 1989. I. W. Smith. November 1989. 6pp. (Summary)
Evaluation of Roundup®, Tordon TCH® and Velpar L® herbicides for the control of eucalypt regrowth in softwood plantations by stem injection. P. C. Fagg, G. Hepworth, W. G. Smith and G. J. Cameron. January 1990. 17pp. (Summary)
Research to increase the productivity of radiata pine plantations in north east Victoria 1. Establishment report. F. R. Borschmann and W. Smith. May 1990. 16pp. (Summary)
Coastal vegetation damage and airborne surfactant deposition in the Barwon Heads area - final report. J. D. Morris, R. G. Bickford and J. J. Collopy. January 1991. 26pp. (Summary)
Growth response of radiata pine to superphosphate on a second rotation site at Scarsdale. B. Tomkins and P. Hopmans. August 1990. 13pp. (Summary)
Long-term growth and nutrition of second-rotation Pinus radiata on podzolised soils in response to residue management, weed control and fertilisation. P. Hopmans, D. W. Flinn, P. W. Geary and I. B. Tomkins. March 1992. (Summary)
Ecological impacts of fuel-reduction burning in dry sclerophyll forest: first progress report. K. G. Tolhurst and D. W. Flinn (eds). March 1992. (Summary)
Ecological impacts of fuel-reduction burning in dry sclerophyll forest: first progress report. 1. Fire Effects Study Program, Wombat State Forest - Description of sites and experimental design. K. G. Tolhurst. March 1992. 15pp + App.
Ecological impacts of fuel-reduction burning in dry sclerophyll forest: first progress report. 2. Low intensity fire behaviour and fuel dynamics in dry sclerophyll forest, Wombat State Forest. K. G. Tolhurst, J. D. Kellas and A. A. Wilson. March 1992. 40pp.
Ecological impacts of fuel-reduction burning in dry sclerophyll forest: first progress report. 3. Effects of spring and autumn low intensity fire on understorey vegetation in open eucalypt forest in west-central Victoria. K. G. Tolhurst and D. A. Oswin. 60pp.
Ecological impacts of fuel-reduction burning in dry sclerophyll forest: first progress report. 4. Effects of low intensity prescribed fire on invertebrates in mixed eucalypt forest - Wombat State Forest. F. G. Neumann. 19pp.
Ecological impacts of fuel-reduction burning in dry sclerophyll forest: first progress report. 5. Short-term effects of fuel reduction burning on bird populations in Wombat State Forest. R. H. Loyn, M. J. Hewish and M. Considine. 11pp.
Ecological impacts of fuel-reduction burning in dry sclerophyll forest: first progress report. 6. An assessment of bat populations in the Fire Effects Study Areas, Wombat State Forest. J. Kemp, M. Westbrooke, G. van Gaans and T. Fowler. 10pp.
Ecological impacts of fuel-reduction burning in dry sclerophyll forest: first progress report. 7. The effects of single autumn and spring prescribed fires on Antechinus stuartii and Rattus fuscipes in Wombat State Forest. R. K. Humphries and K. G. Tolhurst. 21pp.
Ecological impacts of fuel-reduction burning in dry sclerophyll forest: first progress report. 8. The effects of single spring and autumn prescribed fires on reptile populations, Wombat State Forest. R. K. Humphries. 15pp.
Ecological impacts of fuel-reduction burning in dry sclerophyll forest: first progress report. 9. Effects of fire intensity on soil chemistry in a eucalypt forest. I. B. Tomkins, J. D. Kellas, K. G. Tolhurst and D. A. Oswin. 11pp.
Ecological impacts of fuel-reduction burning in dry sclerophyll forest: first progress report. 10. Field estimation of N2 fixation by Acacia spp. using 15N isotope dilution and labelling with 35S. S. D. Hamilton, P. Hopmans, P. M. Chalk and C. J. Smith. 17pp.
Ecological impacts of fuel-reduction burning in dry sclerophyll forest: first progress report. 11. A study of the effects of fire intensity on nitrogen mineralization in a eucalypt forest soil after logging. J. C. Carlyle. 6pp.
Ecological impacts of fuel-reduction burning in dry sclerophyll forest: first progress report. 12. Effects of low intensity fire on tree growth and bark thickness in mixed species eucalypt forest - Wombat State Forest. J. D. Kellas. 16pp.
Ecological impacts of fuel-reduction burning in dry sclerophyll forest: first progress report. 13. Climate and growing season in the Fire Effects Study Areas - Wombat State Forest. K. G. Tolhurst. 24pp.
Index of unpublished Forest Research Reports, March 1971-March 1992. Brian McHugh. March 1992. 53 pp & Addendum. (About the Index)
Response of radiata pine to fertilizer and chemical weed control at Neerim East. P. Hopmans and I. B. Tomkins. April 1992. 14pp. (Summary)
Eucalypt plantation trials in north-east and north-central Victoria – Establishment report. R. G. Borschmann, C. Hardner and T. G. Baker. October 1993. 35pp. (Note no Summary)
Early field performance of breeds of radiata pine on fertile sites in north-east Victoria. L. A. Pederick and I. R. Bail. May 1992. 11pp. (Summary)
The development of Dothistroma-resistant radiata pine for planting in Victoria. L. A. Pederick, I. R. Bail and C. R. Dean. April 1993. 35pp. (Summary)
Growth and nutrition of radiata pine on podzolised sands in response to phosphate fertilizer. P. Hopmans, I. B. Tomkins and P. W. Geary. April 1993. (Summary)
Nutritional aspects of the decline in Banksia integrifolia at Wilsons Promontory National Park, Victoria. P. Hopmans. July 1993. 13pp. (Summary)
Silvical characteristics of messmate stringybark and narrow-leafed peppermint under partial cutting conditions. II: Factors influencing germination, survival and early growth. J. D. Kellas. August 1994. 33pp. (Summary)
The effect of time of sowing on eucalypt regeneration success following direct sowing onto disturbed soil in the high elevation mixed species forests of East Gippsland. M. T. Lutze, O. Gourley and R. More. February 1998. 47pp. (Summary)
Establishment of E. tricarpa (red ironbark) from planted seedlings in the lowland forests of East Gippsland. M. T. Lutze. March 1998. 13pp. (Summary)
Determination of the extent of primary dormancy in seed of eucalypt species of HEMS forest in East Gippsland. M. T. Lutze, P. W. Geary and M. J. Bowler. November 1998. 17pp. (Summary)
Growth of red ironbark between 1972 and 1995 on research plots in the Heathcote forest. J. D. Kellas, D. A. Oswin and A. K. Ashton. November 1993. 11pp. (Summary)
Long-term growth of Phytophthora cinnamomi tolerant species of eucalypts planted on sites of varying dieback hazard in Gippsland. M. T. Lutze. November 1998. 24pp. (Summary)
An evaluation of the effectiveness of WR-1 repellent for browsing control in HEMS forest. J. D. Delbridge and M. T. Lutze. November 1998. 12pp. (Summary)
Analysis and review of regeneration records (1987-1995) from the HEMS forest in East Gippsland. J. D. Delbridge. December 1998. 28pp. (Summary)
Browsing in Victorian native State forests – results of the 1995 statewide survey. G. D. Wallace and P. C. Fagg. April 1999. 23pp. (Summary)
HEMS regeneration decision tree: review of operational experience. J. D. Delbridge. May 1999. 23pp. (Summary)
Effects of seedbed type on early height growth of silvertop: a case study. M. T. Lutze and G. R. Featherstone. June 1999. 12pp. (Summary)
A review of the potential of growth regulators to stimulate seed crops in native eucalypt forest. B. Roberts. July 1999. 10pp. (Summary)
Establishment of mixtures of eucalypt species on dieback forest sites in East Gippsland. M. T. Lutze. August 1999. 23 pp. (Summary)
Regeneration from seed trees in high elevation mixed species forest in East Gippsland. M. T. Lutze, J. D. Dellbridge, D. Terrell and L. Warren. September 1999. 45pp. (Summary)
Seed supply and forest recovery after the Carey State forest wildfire. M. T. Lutze and D. Terrell. April 2000. 25pp. (Summary)
Effects of injecting varying rates of glyphosate on mature eucalypts in LEMS forests, East Gippsland. G. Dooley, D. Terrell and M. T. Lutze. May 2000. 14pp. (Summary)
Evaluation of glyphosate and metsulfuron methyl for native forest bracken control in central Victoria. I. B. Tomkins. June 2000. 15pp. (Summary)
Effects of high initial densities on early growth of mountain ash seedlings. P. J. van der Meer. July 2000. 10pp. (Summary)
Development of an alternative coating (pelleting) technique for eucalypt seed. B. Roberts. August 2000. 22pp. (Summary)
Browsing in Victorian forests - results of the 1998 statewide survey. I. D. Sebire. June 2001. 29pp. (Summary)
Wallaby browsing in the Mt Cole State forest – a coupe-level analysis. J. Di Stefano. February 2002. 35pp. (Summary)
Shelterwood vs seed tree silvicultural systems - a financial analysis. R. Baker. November 2002. 26pp. (Summary)